音樂家簡介 Artist Bio
上地彩門 Simon Thompson
上地彩門出生於日本沖繩,6歲時開始學習大提琴,13歲進入倫敦普賽爾音樂學院(Purcell School of Music)跟隨Prof. Alexander Boyarsky學習。14歲以年輕新秀之姿贏得Antonio Janigro國際大提琴比賽少年組初露頭角,2006年獲邀參與艾德華‧艾爾加(Edward Elgar)150歲冥誕音樂會在克拉倫斯宮為英國皇室演奏。
2008⾄2012年期間,他在倫敦皇家音樂學院(Royal College of Music)贏得獎學金並跟隨Prof. Boyarsky學習,以一級榮譽學位及Guilhermina Suggia的發展獎完成學士學位。
2012年,他進入瑞士的巴賽爾音樂院(Basel Hochschule für Musik)攻讀碩士學位。在此期間,他除了與Prof. Ivan Monighetti及他的助教Sol Gabetta學習之外,他也曾接受Natalia Gutman, Jens-Peter Mainz, Clemens Hagen, Troels Svane, David Watkin等大師班指導。不僅如此,他的演奏在新蘇黎世報及許多報章雜誌上被樂評家讚賞。
基於對樂團以及室內樂的豐富涉獵,2016年他獲得瑞士巴賽爾交響樂團的兩年期職位,同時也以室內樂、樂團以及獨奏家的身分在瑞士琉森音樂節(Lucerne Festival)、德國石荷州音樂節(Schleswig-Holstein Musk Festival)等音樂節演奏,更曾與指揮家Pierre Boulez, Daniele Gatti, Daniel Harding,獨奏家Isabelle Faust, Leonidas Kavakos, Jean-Guihen Queyras等音樂家合作演出。
2018年,在指揮家賽門‧拉圖(Sir Simon Rattle)的帶領之下,與倫敦交響樂團進行多次歐洲巡演,以及參與了樂團首次至樂團首次至拉丁美洲的巡迴演出。2019年,以大提琴第二首席的身分,加入德國黑森邦的威斯巴登歌劇管絃樂團(Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden)。2020年則在慕尼黑廣播交響樂團(Münchner Rundfunkorchester)及位於西班牙的瓦倫西亞管絃樂團(Orquestra de la Comunitat Valenciana)擔任客席演奏家。
上地彩門使用的為Nicholas François Vuillaume 1865年的大提琴,曾為德國大提琴家Friedrich-Jürgen Sellheim 所有。
Simon was born in Okinawa, Japan, and moved to the UK at the age of 6, where he first began playing the cello. He studied with Alexander Boyarsky at the Purcell School and the Royal College of Music in London, where he graduated with First Class Honours, and was a prize winner at the Antonio Janigro International Cello Competition in Croatia.
Shortly before graduating, he was invited to take part in the Lucerne Festival Academy Orchestra in Switzerland, where he played the cello solo part of Arnold Schoenberg's "Pierrot Lunaire" under the direction of Pierre Boulez. This experience subsequently lead to his new found love for ensemble music playing, big and small, and has involved himself in as many chamber and orchestral music as possible, such as the Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival, the Mahler Chamber Academy and coming back to play at the Lucerne Festival in four separate seasons.
Around the same time, he had heard a recital of one of Mstislav Rostropovich's last students, Ivan Monighetti, and decided to move and study with him at the Basel Hochschule für Musik in Switzerland, where he completed his Master's Degree.
After graduation, he played in orchestras such as the Sinfonieorchester Basel, the London Symphony Orchestra, Münchner Rundfunkorchester, Orquestra de la Comunitat Valenciana, and a season with the Hessisches Staatsorchester as a Second Principal Cellist, where he played with the world's leading conductors and soloists, and many more.