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音樂家簡介 Artist Bio

延斯-彼得.邁因茨 Jens Peter Maintz

邁因茨以才華洋溢的獨奏家、廣受廣迎的室內樂音樂家和備受肯定的大提琴教學而享負盛名。來自德國漢堡,師從David Geringas,並曾獲Heinrich Schiff, Boris Pergamenschikow, Frans Helmerson與Siegfried Pal m等傑出大提琴家的大師班指導。1994年,他在慕尼黑「ARD國際音樂比賽」勇奪首獎,而此前已長達十七年未有大提琴家獲得該獎項。

他曾任柏林德意志交響樂團大提琴首席多年,累積豐富的管弦樂經驗,同時以團員身分隨著名的封特奈三重奏(Trio Fontenay)於世界各地巡演。2006 年起,邁因茨應指揮大師阿巴多(Claudio Abbado)之邀,擔任琉森節慶管弦樂團大提琴首席。

他的獨奏家生涯曾與多位著名指揮合作,如Vladimir Ashkenazy, Herbert Blomstedt, Marek Janowski, Dmitri Kitajenko, Franz Welser-Möst, Reinhard Goebel及Bobby McFerrin等;並以獨奏身分,受邀與柏林廣播交響樂團、萊比錫MDR廣播交響樂團、斯圖加特廣播交響樂團、荷蘭海牙愛樂管弦樂團及東京交響樂團合作演出。除古典曲目,邁因茨也演奏從尹伊桑到哈斯(Georg Friedrich Haas)等當代作曲家的眾多作品。2004 年起迄今,他獲聘任職於柏林藝術大學,其教授的大提琴課程成績斐然,許多曾受教於他的學生在多個重要國際比賽中獲獎,還有一些學生在各大樂團擔任首席。

邁因茨也是備受歡迎的室內樂音樂家。他是著名的「柏林光譜合奏團」(Spectrum Concerts Berlin)系列音樂會的演出成員,並和Janine Jansen, Boris Brovtsyn, Torleif Thedéen, Hélène Grimaud, Kolja Blacher, Isabelle Faust, Antoine Tamestit等傑出音樂家,以及Artemis弦樂四重奏、Carmina四重奏及Auryn四重奏等合作演出室內樂。

他與Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt合組的大提琴二重奏團"Cello Duello"至今已25年,曾攜手在許多國際著名音樂節演出。他由索尼唱片發行的巴赫、杜提耶與柯大宜的大提琴作品獲「古典回聲大獎」(ECHO-Klassik Award)。他與布萊梅德意志室內愛樂管弦樂團合作錄製、柏林唱片發行的海頓《大提琴協奏曲》備受好評。2017年起,他受邀於西班牙馬德里索菲亞王后高等音樂院擔任教授。

邁因茨的演奏用琴為製琴名家喬凡尼·格蘭奇諾(Giovanni Grancino)於1697年製作的大提琴"Ex-Servais"。

Jens Peter Maintz enjoys an outstanding reputation as a versatile soloist, highly sought-after chamber musician, and committed cello teacher. Originally from Hamburg, he studied with David Geringas and took part in masterclasses with other great cellists such as Heinrich Schiff, Boris Pergamenschikow, Frans Helmerson and Siegfried Palm. He was further influenced by his intensive chamber music study with Uwe-Martin Haiberg and Walter Levin. In 1994 he won first prize in the ARD international Music Competition, which had previously not been awarded to a cellist for 17 years.

He gathered several years of valuable orchestral experience as principal cello of the Deutsche Symphonie-Orchester in Berlin, and travelled the world as a member of the renowned Trio Fontenay. Since 2006 Jens Peter Maintz has been principal cello of the Lucerne Festival Orchestra, on the invitation of Claudio Abbado.

His solo career has brought him into contact with conductors such as Vladimir Ashkenazy, Herbert Blomstedt, Marek Janowski, Dmitry Kitajenko, Franz Welser-Möst, Reinhard Goebel and Bobby McFerrin. He has appeared as a soloist with the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, Leipzig MDR Symphony Orchestra, Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra, Den Haag Residenzorchester and Tokyo Symphony Orchestra. Alongside classical repertoire, Jens Peter Maintz has performed numerous works by contemporary composers from Isang Yun to Georg Friedrich Haas.

Since 2004 he has been professor at Berlin University of the Arts, where he teaches an exceptionally successful cello class. Many of his students are prize winners in important international competitions and some hold leading positions in major orchestras. Jens Peter Maintz is in equally great demand as a chamber musician. He is a member of the prestigious 'Spectrum Concerts Berlin' concert series, and performs with chamber music partners such as Janine Jansen, Boris Brovtsyn, Torleif Thedéen, Hélène Grimaud, Kolja Blacher, Isabelle Faust, Antoine Tamestit, and also the Artemis, Carmina and Auryn Quartets.

It is now 25 years since he formed the cello duo 'Cello Duello' with Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt. Together they perform at the world's most eminent festivals, such as the Kronberg Festival, the Cello Biennale Amsterdam and the Piatigorsky International Cello Festival. For his Sony Classical CD of solo works by Bach, Dutilleux and Kodaly, Jens Peter Maintz was presented with an ECHO-Klassik award. His highly acclaimed recording of Haydn's cello concertos with the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen was released on the Berlin Classics label.

In the 2016/17 season he can be heard at the Vivacello Festival in Moscow, the Tokyo Spring Festival in Japan, the Tonyeong Festival in South Korea, with the Hamburg Camerata in Hamburg, in Freiburg, Madrid and Berlin, and also with the Kuss and Mandelring Quartets. Cello Duello will also give several concerts, including the double cello concertos by Hoffmann and Menotti with the Bavarian Chamber Orchestra Bad Brückenau. Jens Peter Maintz plays the 'Ex-Servais' cello made by Giovanni Grancino in 1697.

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