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音樂家簡介 Artist Bio

曾增譯 Tseng-Yi Tseng

爵士鋼琴家曾增譯,2009年畢業於比利時皇家音樂院爵士演奏研究所 (Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel),專攻爵士鋼琴演奏,同時積極參與列支敦斯登(Liechtenstein)大師課,義大利Siena Jazz Workshop,並接受鋼琴家Rob van Bavel, Kenny Werner及John Taylor等大師個別指導。

2007年,受邀參與外交部駐歐盟兼駐比利時代表處「台灣之夜」演出。2008年,與爵士豎笛家John Ruocco合作演出於伊莉莎白樂廳。2009年,與義大利知名鋼琴家Nicola Andrioli合作雙鋼琴,同年10月返台,即受邀擔任世界軌跡樂團「Orbit Folks」之鋼琴手,參與無數大小演出;2010年與世界軌跡樂團一同入圍第22屆傳統暨藝術音樂金曲獎「最佳演奏獎」,並隨團參與韓國、上海及珠海爵士音樂節。2012年8月,以曾增譯為核心的「共聲體樂團」正式成軍,以經典鋼琴三重奏為編制於全台巡演,廣受爵士樂迷歡迎。2013 年5月,「共聲體樂團」發表首張專輯,並於日本及美國同步上市;同年9月,獲第4 屆金音獎「最佳樂手」、「最佳爵士專輯」及「最佳爵士單曲」三項入圍。2014年6月,「共聲體樂團」首度應邀參與國際性巡演,首站於日本沖繩,深獲當地樂迷喜愛;同年6月,「共聲體樂團」榮獲第25屆流行音樂金曲獎演奏類「最佳專輯」、「最佳作曲人」及「最佳專輯製作人」三項入圍,最後抱回「最佳作曲人獎」與「最佳專輯獎」。2015年3月,應邀參加印尼爪哇爵士音樂節;同年7月,受邀參與福爾摩沙任務爵士樂團,與義大利知名樂手Gaetano Partipilo、Francesco Lento, Giuseppe Bassi及台灣優秀爵士樂手蘇聖育和林冠良等人在義大利巡迴演出,並與OBERTO OTTAVIANO及GEGE' TELESFORO等義大利爵士大師同台,演出深受樂迷肯定,也讓台灣本土爵士創作在國際舞台綻放光茫。2016年6月,發表第二張專輯【Chromatics色彩學】,翌年入圍「最佳專輯錄音」。2017年,首度於國家演奏廳與爵士薩克斯風手謝明諺舉辦爵士二重奏音樂會;同年7月,與謝明諺組成「Symbiosis Trio 與謝明諺」,並受邀至韓國參與Jarasum Jazz Festival演出。個人入圍第28屆金曲獎演奏類「最佳作曲人獎」(Call It Anything《Kind of True》/福爾摩沙任務爵士樂團 Mission Formosa )。2018年,再次與謝明諺於國家演奏廳演出。2020年,以演奏罕見樂器電風琴(Hammond Organ)入圍31屆金曲獎並獲「演奏類最佳專輯」《Ciao Bella》。近年,將爵士音樂元素融和流行音樂、嘻哈音樂,與嘻哈歌手Leo王合作至今。另外也投入教育推廣多年,任教於國立臺南藝術大學與輔仁大學音樂系。

Master of Music in Jazz at the Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel in Belgium. During his studies, he was deeply influenced by the free jazz concepts of jazz pianist/modern composer Kris Defoort. During his studies, he was invited to perform at various events, such as the "Taiwan Night" by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' representative office in Europe and Belgium (2007), the trio performance with jazz harpist John Ruocco (2008) and the double piano performance with Italian pianist Nicola Andrioli (2009).

After returning to Taiwan in 2009, he has been actively involved in recording, performing and teaching, and was invited to be the keyboardist of the World Orbit Orchestra "Orbit Folks". Currently, he teaches at the National Tainan National University of the Arts and the Silk Chukong Jazz Workshop, where his unreserved teaching attitude is loved by his students.

In addition, he has been invited to participate in the tours of many famous artists, such as Yoga Lin, Tai Zhenxiao, Jianya Tsai, and Cynthia Weng ......, and when accompanying them, he integrates jazz elements into the music, which brings out a different style of popular music.

He specializes in jazz piano, combining improvisation, variations and trio performances to present a free and fluid style of music creation. He is the only musician in Taiwan who plays the electric organ, which has a unique sound, in his compositions.

In 2014, he won the 25th Golden Melody Awards for his album "Zeng Zeng Zeng". In 2014, he won the "Best Album" and "Best Composer" in the performance category for his album "Tseng Tseng Tseng-Trio" at the 25th Golden Melody Awards, marking a milestone in his creative journey.

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