音樂家簡介 Artist Bio
柯慶姿 Ching-Tzy Ko
美國華盛頓大學(University of Washington)音樂藝術博士。德國漢諾威音樂戲劇大學(Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hannover) 音樂演奏及音樂教師文憑。大學入學甄試全國榜首,保送第一志願國立臺北藝術大學。高中時曾兩次榮獲全國音樂比賽大提琴第一名以及弦樂四重奏組第一名。柯慶姿熱愛音樂,為具多年舞台經驗的演奏家,致力把美的藝術與愛樂者分享。除了演奏深受好評,於教學上也不遺餘力,培育出許多優秀年輕學子。創組「十破天驚大提琴重奏」,數年來帶領學生於校園及各音樂廳巡迴演出。柯慶姿經常獲邀至各大專院校、音樂營舉辦大師班及演出,及擔任國內重要音樂獎項與音樂會評審。除了活躍於獨奏、室內樂,也經常應邀與樂團演出協奏曲。多次應美國西雅圖大提琴協會(Seattle Cello Society)邀請,在紀念巴哈誕辰音樂會中獨奏。曾於漢諾威北德廣播交響樂團(Radio Philharmonie des NDR Hannover)實習,並參與演出及錄音。曾贏得美國西雅圖愛樂Orchestra Honors Competition首獎,美國華盛頓州青年藝術家大賽首獎,國立臺灣交響樂團「樂壇新秀」。曾任Cascade Symphony Orchestra大提琴首席,Seattle Philharmonic Orchestra大提琴副首席及臺南市立交響樂團首席。
受教於Klaus Storck、Klaus Heitz、Toby Saks及Cordelia Wikarski-Miedel等教授。大師班跟隨Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi, Janos Starker, Nathaniel Rosen, Ralph Kirshbaum, Zara Nalsova, Wolfgang Boettcher及Alban Berg Quartett等世界一流音樂家學習。參與之音樂節包括: 德國Carl Flesch Akademie音樂節、加拿大Banff音樂節、美國Aspen音樂節、美國Towson University World Cello Congress III、英國 RNCM Manchester大提琴音樂節、德國 Kronberg Pablo Casals大提琴音樂節、美國馬利蘭州Leonard Rose大提琴音樂節、奧地利維也納音樂節、德國慕尼黑室內樂音樂節。
Native of Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Doctor of Musical Arts, University of Washington, USA. Diploma in Music Performance and Music Teacher from the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hannover, Germany. She was the top student in the nation in the university entrance examination and was guaranteed to be the first choice for admission to the Taipei National University of the Arts. Over the years, she has been invited to perform concertos with the Seattle Philharmonic Orchestra, Washington State Youth Symphony, Tainan City Symphony Orchestra, Tainan Philharmonic, and the Department of Music at Tainan National University of the Arts. In addition to performing as a soloist, chamber musician, and orchestra musician, he is also frequently invited to give master classes, perform, teach, be interviewed, and adjudicate at colleges and universities, radio stations, music competitions, and music camps. She has been invited by the Seattle Cello Society to play solo in concerts in honor of Bach's birthday. Interned with the Radio Philharmonie des NDR Hannover, performing and recording. She won the first prize in the Seattle Philharmonic Orchestra Honors Competition, the first prize in the Washington State Young Artist Competition, and the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra's "New Talent" award. He has served as Principal Cello of the Cascade Symphony Orchestra, Associate Principal Cello of the Seattle Philharmonic Orchestra, and Principal of the Tainan City Symphony Orchestra.
She was taught by Klaus Storck, Klaus Heitz, Toby Saks and Cordelia Wikarski-Miedel. Master classes with world-class musicians such as Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi, Janos Starker, Nathaniel Rosen, Ralph Kirshbaum, Zara Nalsova, Wolfgang Boettcher and Alban Berg Quartett. Participated in the following festivals: Carl Flesch Akademie Festival (Germany), Banff Festival (Canada), Aspen Music Festival (USA), Towson University World Cello Congress III (USA), RNCM Manchester Cello Festival (UK), Kronberg Cello Festival (Germany), Pablo Casals Cello Festival (Germany). Pablo Casals Cello Festival in Kronberg, Germany, Leonard Rose Cello Festival in Maryland, USA, Vienna Music Festival in Austria, Chamber Music Festival in Munich, Germany.
She teaches cello, chamber music, string studies, basic music training, mandolin orchestra, music appreciation, and music and life. She has taught at the Department of Music Education of National Taichung University of Education and National Kaohsiung University, and is currently a full-time associate professor at the Department of Music of National Tainan National University of the Arts.