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駐藝術節作曲家 & 聯合藝術總監 Composer in Residence & Artistic Co-Director

法比安.穆勒 Fabian Müller


穆勒的管絃樂作品,經常由世界最知名的指揮家,如 Sir Roger Norrington、David Zinman、Andris Nelsons、Andrey Boreyko、Christopher Hogwood 演出。他的作品,曾在世界幾個最重要的音樂大廳首演和演出,包括了美國紐約卡內基音樂廳、瑞士蘇黎世音樂廳、德國柏林愛樂音樂廳及斯圖加特的貝多芬音樂廳和阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯的科隆劇院、以及俄國的聖彼得堡愛樂音樂廳等。許多的音樂節也曾演出他的作品,例如:法國的薛斯德音樂節 Festival La Chaise Dieu、美國的阿斯本國際音樂節 Aspen Music Festival、瑞士的琉森音樂節 Lucerne Festival、因特拉肯音樂節 Interlakner Musikfestwochen、挪威的西福爾音樂節 Vestfold Festspillene、以及阿根廷的 Festival Internacional de Ushuaia。

法比安 穆勒在蘇黎世音樂院求學期間,與 Claude Starck 學習大提琴之外,也和 Josef Haselbach 學習作曲。獲得大提琴藝術家文憑後,他將精力轉注在作曲上。1992-1996 每年夏季的時間,在美國的阿斯本Aspen音樂節進修,獲得 Jacob Druckman, Benard Rands 以及 George Tsontakis 作曲大師們的指導。他在1996年贏得美國阿斯本Aspen音樂節《Jacob Druckman Award for Orchestral Composition》作曲大獎。於2006年榮獲瑞士蘇黎世省文化部所頒發的作曲獎,2012年獲得瑞士Zollikon藝術獎,2016年更榮獲瑞士文化部"瑞士音樂家獎"。2024年受到德國OPUS Klassik 提名為當年最佳作曲家之一。

他也常被世界著名的音樂家邀請並委託創作,包括挪威小提琴家 Henning Kraggerud ;英國大提琴家 Steven Isserlis ;巴西大提琴家 Antonio Meneses;以及由英國打擊樂家 Dame Evelyn Glennie 女爵首演的Vibraphone協奏曲。由索尼音樂 (Sony) 出版的専輯,簡文彬指揮英國皇家愛樂、簡碧青擔任大提琴獨奏,錄製了他所創作的【台灣狂想曲】受到台灣樂友極熱烈的好評。2023年受灣聲樂團之邀請,為新年音樂會創作以臺灣山水為主題 的交響曲《大地之母》。

他的第一齣歌劇《Eiger》2021年底於瑞士世界首演,接著十六場的巡迴演出被樂評家及各大媒體高聲讚稱為"國寶級的傑作" (Helvetisches Meisterwerk)。2023年底,他的第二齣歌劇─為兒童 所譜寫的《海蒂》(Heidi) 演出20餘場,廣受大小朋友喜愛。

作曲家法比安 穆勒亦對歐洲民族音樂及瑞士傳統的民族音樂非常感興趣。透過多年的旅行和研究,他深化了這方面的知識,並花了十年多的時間籌備發行 Hanny Christen (1899-1976) 收錄的瑞士傳統民族音樂。這一套十冊的民族音樂選集,收集了瑞士自十九世紀以來超過一萬首的傳統民族樂曲。法比安 穆勒被公認為這個領域最重要的拓荒研究者。這套十冊的民族音樂選集在2010年,應邀為台北藝術大學客座教授時,贈送給台北藝術大學圖書館收藏。並且,他在瑞士創辦了第一個國家傳統民族音樂機構,名為:Haus der Volksmusik《瑞士民族音樂協會》。同時也是瑞士音樂節 "confluence" 的音樂總監。

法比安 穆勒也受邀為紀錄片配樂及創作,如奧地利導演 Richard Rossmann 的作品《Ski-Heil - Zwei Bretter die die Welt bedeuten》。這部紀錄片得獎多次,其中如2009年歐洲獨立影展之最佳紀錄片奬 (best European Documentary 2009 by the ECU Filmfestival in Paris)。還有臺灣旅法導演陳慧齡 (陳慧齡導演是民國107年第五屆教育部藝術教育貢獻獎之得主) 的紀錄片「給阿媽的一封信」2021年入圍金馬奬最佳紀錄片,得獲台灣女性國際影展金獎,並也榮獲法國兩個影展 "Les Rimbauds du Cinema" 及 "SMR13" 的最佳紀錄片和最佳音樂配樂奬。

Fabian Müller is one of the leading Swiss composers of his generation. His works were premiered by great musicians of our time such as David Zinman, Andris Nelsons, Sir Roger Norrington, Christopher Hogwood, Steven Isserlis, and Dame Evelyn Glennie, and were heard in the prestigious halls of the world including the Carnegie Hall in New York, the Tonhalle Zurich, the KKL Lucerne, St. Petersburg Philharmonic and the Teatro Colón.

He got commissions from the Lucerne Festival, the Interlaken Music Festival, Cully Classique or the Vestfold Festspillene in Norway, and his works were performed at the Festival La Chaise Dieux in France, the Aspen Music Festival in Colorado or at the Festival Internacional de Ushuaia in Argentina.

Numerous CD recordings show his versatile oeuvre with among others, the Philharmonia Orchestra (David Zinman), the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in London, the Zurich Chamber Orchestra or the Petersen Quartet Berlin (for ARS Produktion, col legno, Capriccio, Sony Classical, etc.).

His opera "EIGER" premiered in the 21/22 season became one of the greatest opera successes in Switzerland in recent years. Critics in the Luzerner Zeitung called it "a Swiss masterpiece". His new children's opera about "Heidi" was successfully premiered in the 23/24 season with over 20 performances.

For the OneSong Orchestra's New Years Concert 2023 he composed "Mother Earth", a symphonic sketch of a Taiwanese scenery, inspired by Taiwan's marvelous nature and landscapes and the paintings of his father in law Tsang-Rong Chien.

Following his cello studies at the Zurich Conservatory with Claude Starck, Fabian Müller studied composition in Zurich and the USA, where in 1996 he won the Jacob Druckman Award for Orchestral Composition. In 2006, he received a cultural award from the Canton of Zurich and, in 2012, the Zollikon Art Prize for his work to date. In 2016 he was winner of a Swiss Music Prize of the Federal Office of Culture. In 2024 he has been nominated for the prestigious German classical music award «OPUS Klassik» in the category «Composer of the Year».

From 2015-2020 he was a member of the jury at the international composition competition "Tonali" in Hamburg, Germany. In 2024 he is on the jury of the Camerata Zürich youth composition competition.

In addition to his work as a composer, he is interested in folk music. For ten years (1991-2002), he worked on the publication of the Hanny Christen Collection, a ten-volume folk music anthology with over 10,000 tunes from the 19th century.

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