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音樂家簡介 Artist Bio

簡碧青 Pi-Chin Chien

當今活躍於國際樂壇,備受各界矚目的大提琴獨奏家及室內樂專家。出生於臺灣,孩提時期就展露過人的音樂天份。經大提琴泰斗傅尼葉(Pierre Fournier)的推薦,開啟了她在歐洲的音樂留學之路,並以最優異的成績取得瑞士蘇黎世音樂院(現為蘇黎世藝術大學)演奏家文憑和琉森音樂院獨奏家文憑。

她曾在世界知名的音樂廳,如美國紐約卡內基音樂廳以及林肯表演藝術中心;德國柏林音樂廳;瑞士蘇黎世音樂廳與歌劇院等,舉辦過多場大提琴獨奏會與室內樂音樂會。曾受邀在德國前總統Richard von Weizsäcker 獲馬哥德堡市頒發奧托皇帝勳章時,在馬哥德堡愛樂交響樂團的協奏下,以獨奏家身份演出;曾兩度(1998及2016年)受臺灣總統之邀,在總統府舉辦的系列音樂會中演出,並多次受邀與臺灣各大交響樂團合作演出。

旅居瑞士的簡碧青受瑞士文化部支持,獲邀於世界各地的瑞士大使館演出。2012年,在瑞士駐泰國大使館為慶祝瑞士與泰國建交80周年音樂會中, 簡碧青首演夫婿瑞士作曲家法比安‧穆勒(Fabian Müller)為這慶典創作的大提琴協奏曲 "Sirimadi"。她曾多次獲獎,其中室內樂CD曾獲波蘭 "Fryderyk" 錄音大獎。2015年㡳,由索尼音樂(Sony)出版,簡文彬指揮英國皇家愛樂、簡碧青擔任大提琴獨奏,錄製法比安‧穆勒創作的【臺灣狂想曲】專輯受到臺灣樂迷熱烈好評。

近年,簡碧青和法比安‧穆勒帶來許多新穎的合作,如【茶之樂】(專為最極品的十款茶創作的雙大提琴演奏曲,獲Concerti, Crescendo雜誌極高評價)、首創為大提琴和鋼琴四手聯彈所創作之小協奏曲,並於立陶宛與克萊佩達絃樂團及由簡碧青擔任大提琴獨奏錄製專輯。簡碧青夫婦發掘日內瓦音樂院教授及體律動法創始人,同時也是作曲家的Emile Jaques-Dalcroze全套大提琴作品,並由簡碧青擔綱世界首錄的專輯已於2022年秋天出版。簡碧青錄製、法比安‧穆勒作曲之臺灣旅法導演陳慧齡的紀錄片「給阿媽的一封信」電影配樂,獲法國Les Rimbauds du Cinema 及SMR13影展最佳紀錄片和最佳電影配樂。

簡碧青在臺灣創立「音樂瑞士之夜」並擔任藝術總監,同時也是瑞士 "confluence" 音樂節音樂總監,並獲瑞士私人提供名琴使用。2024年創辦「臺灣首屆國際大提琴藝術節」並擔任藝術總監。

Pi-Chin Chien is a sought-after, internationally active soloist and chamber musician. She has performed in major concert venues around the world, including New York's Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center, Konzerthaus Berlin, Berlin Philharmonic and Tonhalle Zurich. She appears as a soloist on recordings with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, the Philharmonia Orchestra London and the Zurich Chamber Orchestra under the direction of David Zinman, Ruben Gazarian and Wen-Pin Chien.

Pi-Chin Chien has performed and recorded world premieres of a number of violoncello concertos and chamber music works, including several compositions dedicated to her.

In 2015, Pi-Chin enjoyed great success with "Taiwan Rhapsody", an album of romantic-symphonic rhapsodies for violoncello and orchestra based on folksongs of her native Taiwan, written by her husband, the Swiss composer Fabian Müller and released on the Sony Classical label. On this recording she is accompanied by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra London under the direction of Wen-Pin Chien. In January 2015, Pi-Chin premiered "Taiwan Rhapsody" together with the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra in Taiwan. Further performances took part in 2017/18 concert season in Germany, including the Berlin Philharmonic, and in 2019 in the National Concert Hall.

2019 the successful album "Tea for Two Cellos" (Solo-Musica) was released. Current albums are "Strings on the Move" (2020), as well as the premiere recording of the complete work for cello and piano by the Swiss late-romantic composer Emile Jaques-Dalcroze (former professor at the Geneva Conservatory and founder of the Institut Jaques-Dalcroze), which was released 2022.

Pi-Chin Chien is a champion of works by lesser known composers. In the 90ties Pi-Chin Chien contributed significantly to the rediscovery of the late romantic Swiss composer Paul Juon with numerous concerts of his chamber music and first recordings of his cello concerto "Mysterien", the Triple Concerto "Epidodes Concertantes" and his cello sonata. In 2016, the Triple Concerto was first performed in Asia at the National Concert Hall in Taipei.

She performed at the Kaiser-Otto Medal award ceremony in honor of the late former German President Richard von Weizsäcker, and twice (1998 and 2016) at the renowned concert series at Taiwan’s Presidential Office on invitation of the President of Taiwan.

A native of Taiwan, Pi-Chin Chien studied in Zurich, Lucerne and Prague, graduating with a soloist’s diploma with distinction.

Pi-Chin Chien is the artistic director of the "Swiss Music Night" concert series in Taiwan and of the "Confluence" Music Festival in Zurich, Switzerland.

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