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TWICF藝術節北高巡演   國際名家薈聚的大提琴盛會

由音樂瑞士之夜主辦的首屆「臺灣國際大提琴藝術節」(Taiwan International Cello Festival, TWICF)將在2024年10月登場,邀請來自瑞士、德國及台灣多位活躍國際舞台的大提琴名家共襄盛舉,在臺北國家兩廳院與高雄衛武營舉行獨奏、室內樂及重奏音樂會,並在雲林百年古蹟三秀園舉行戶外音樂會,向樂迷近距離展現大提琴豐富多變的音樂面貌,同時也將在臺北及高雄規劃一系列大師班及工作坊,以國際頂尖師資為臺灣大提琴家的音樂養成與國際視野的拓展提供助力。

The Taiwan International Cello Festival Tour in the North and South: A Grand Cello Event Gathering International Masters


The Taiwan International Cello Festival (TWICF), organized by the "Swiss Music Night", will debut in October 2024. This grand cello event will gather renowned cellists from Switzerland, Germany, and Taiwan who are active on the international stage. Solo, chamber, and ensemble concerts will take place at the National Theater & Concert Hall in Taipei and the Weiwuying Center for the Arts in Kaohsiung. Additionally, an outdoor concert will be held at the century-old Samsiu Garden in Yunlin. These concerts will offer audiences an up-close experience of the diverse and rich musical expressions of the cello. Furthermore, a series of masterclasses and workshops will be conducted in Taipei and Kaohsiung, featuring top international instructors, aimed at nurturing Taiwanese cellists' musical development and broadening their international perspectives.

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